Follow me to practice tai chi boxing friends must pay attention

Follow me to practice tai chi boxing friends must pay attention

Attention to all my Tai Chi practice friends,
after practicing Tai Chi Quan for decades,
you might still be only practicing Tai Chi exercise, not the true martial art.
When a person practices Tai Chi incorrectly,
they are only practicing Tai Chi body movements,
and will not achieve the true mastery of the art.
To truly understand what Tai Chi Quan is,
watch this video where I explain the differences between Tai Chi Quan and Tai Chi exercise in a very easy-to-understand way.
If you practice Tai Chi Quan, remember to like and save this video, and watch it repeatedly.

Firstly, when practicing Tai Chi Quan, you must follow the rules.
Every movement must follow the principles of empty, lively, lifted, sunk, contained, lifted, and relaxed.
If you do not follow these principles, you are not practicing Tai Chi Quan, but instead practicing Tai Chi exercise.

Secondly, understanding the relationship between intention and body movements is crucial in Tai Chi Quan.
You should use the strength of your bones and inner energy, while keeping your joints relaxed.
Using muscular force to practice Tai Chi Quan is not correct.

Thirdly, Tai Chi Quan requires the movements to be continuous, with the intention leading the energy flow, and energy leading the movement.
If the movements are not continuous, with force not flowing, then it is not Tai Chi Quan, but just Tai Chi exercise.

Fourthly, Tai Chi Quan is a complete system, including standing meditation, breathing exercises, posture training, pushing hands, and various skill training.
Each aspect is important, and if you only have a set of external movements, no matter how well you perform them, it is still just Tai Chi exercise, not Tai Chi Quan.

I believe if you have read up to this point, you are also someone who pursues the true essence of Tai Chi Quan.
I hope you can also understand the true nature of Tai Chi Quan.
If you have any thoughts or opinions on the differences between Tai Chi Quan and Tai Chi exercise, please share them with us, and let's learn from each other and improve together."
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